CARBOLITE・GEROは30℃から3000℃までの高温炉とオーブンのトップメーカーです。当社は、管状炉、真空および特殊雰囲気技術の技術リーダーです。 カーボライト・ゲロの製品は、優れたエネルギー効率、優れた信頼性、高品質なコンポーネントの使用により定義されています。
Eltra is a leading manufacturer of elemental analyzers for the rapid and precise determination of CHNOS content in solid materials using combustion methods. With more than 40 years of experience, Eltra develops innovative solutions for a wide range of samples and concentrations. We are the leaders in technical service as well as application support and trusted by researchers and quality control laboratories around the world. Eltra products are defined by accurate and reliable measurements, user-friendly software operation and robust design.
QATMは、あらゆる材料クラスにおけるマテリアログラフィおよび硬さ試験装置のトップメーカーです。 40年以上の経験を持つQATMは、その後の構造および欠陥分析のための表面処理分野における革新的なソリューションを開発しています。
Erweka is a leading manufacturer of high-quality tablet testing equipment, with special focus on pharmaceuticals. With more than 65 years of experience, Erweka develops innovative solutions for large pharmaceutical and life science companies, research and test laboratories, as well as universities all over the world. Erweka stands for excellent product quality, attractive design, user-friendly operation and reliable performance.